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Saturday, February 26, 2011

TRIKI MIKI "As Seen On TV" in 1971

Another estate sale find that fascinated me.  I thought this was just a renamed tiny Dollikin.  Nope.  Little Miss Dollikin is the same size, with the same body, but she is a redhead and the hair is straight and center parted, and shorter than Triki Miki.  Like the Little Miss Dollikin, Triki Miki  is a 6.5 inch tall strung doll with 10 articulated joints.  There's a great website that talks about Triki Miki,, a fascinating article with photos.  The  girl shown here I bought at the estate sale of the same person who owned the Anna Moore doll I wrote about yesterday.  I have listed this girl on eBay:  Evidently she was advertised heavily on television in 1971.  She was sold only at Woolworth's and Woolco.  The common version is a blonde, but this brunette version is considered hard to find. Also there's that discusses more of her clothing. She did have a wardrobe and she was intended to compete with Dawn and Rockflowers.  She also had cases made for her in different colors.  If you have Dawn things you can't identify, the clothing website I've listed might be of use to you.

It appears that there's a more rare version that is a center part brunette. And she came in an exceptionally rare African American version.   


  1. My dad has one he is trying to sell what do they ussually go for?

  2. Also has a variety of vintage cabbage patch dolls puppets (ect )
